Latest news 2019/20

Scartaglen N.S. Walk for Water
All of the boys and girls from 1st to 6th Class took part in a walk for water to raise awareness of water conservation. The Green Team went around to each classroom and made a presentation on how to save water at home and in school. We then all carried water on a walk around the village to raise awareness. Thanks to Mrs. Doody for organising this great event.

Scartaglen N.S. Debating Team
Well done to the boys and girls from 5th and 6th Class who took part in the Schools Debating Competition in Tralee Education Centre. They performed brilliantly and really enjoyed the experience. Thanks to Ms. O' Connor and Ms. Casey for all their help with the debate.

Dragon's Den for JEP 2020
5th and 6th Class had a Dragon's Den as part of their Junior Entrepreneur Project. They worked in small groups to come up with business ideas to pitch to the Dragons. They had to come up with a business plan as well as a presentation. It was a great experience. Thanks to Mrs. O' Mahony, Ms. Casey and Mr. Browne for being the Dragons on the day!

Huge Success for Scataglen N.S. in the Christmas Basketball Blitz
We were delighted to have five teams taking part in the Christmas Blitz this year in Castleisland. We had two senior teams and three junior teams taking part. All the boys and girls played really well. Both Junior Boys’ teams were unlucky not to progress from difficult groups. We were delighted to have three teams in the finals with the Junior Girls and both Senior Boys and Girls taking part. The Junior Girls were narrowly defeated by one point and both the Senior Boys and Girls won their finals. Scartaglen N.S. would like to give a huge thank you to Mossie, Ciara and Ella Kerin for their work coaching all of the teams.

Christmas Jumper Day for Charity
Scartaglen National School were delighted to take part in the Christmas Jumper Day for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. Every child in the school had the opportunity to wear their Christmas Jumper (or hat!) on the day of the Christmas holidays to raise money for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. A grand total of €291.20 was sent to the CMRF Crumlin Fund. There are photos on the school Flickr page of all of the boys and girls in their jumpers. Remembering and supporting sick children was a lovely way for all of us to start the holidays.

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal organised by Team Hope. We were delighted with the huge response. 105 Christmas shoeboxes were packed with a wonderful variety of goodies that will be sent to children in poor countries around the world. There was great excitement when the boxes were loaded into Ms. McCarthy’s car to be taken to the local depot. A big thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause!

Scholastic Book Fair
We held our annual book fair in the school recently. Each class had an opportunity to stock up on books before their Christmas holidays. Parents also had an opportunity to attend and choose a book with their child. We love seeing the children reading and there is always great interest in all the latest books that are available at the book fair! A total of €1400 worth of books were purchased. Due to this great response the school now has an allowance to purchase even more books for the classrooms. Thanks to Sheila, Katie and Sarah for all their work over the two days of the fair.

Happy Halloween from Scartaglen NS
Everybody at Scartaglen N.S. would like to wish you all a happy and safe Halloween. Excitement is building as all of the boys and girls get their costumes ready for the big day! Junior and Senior Infants dressed up on Thursday 24th October to give us a scare before the mid-term break. All classes have been decorating their classrooms with Halloween art and decorations. We also played some traditional Halloween games.

Aladdin Connect a huge success in Scartaglen
Scartaglen National School was pleased to offer Aladdin Connect to all families in the school. We are delighted to say that 96% of families in the school have signed up. It has allowed us to communicate more effectively with home. All notes, newsletters etc. are now sent electronically which has meant a huge reduction in printing and paper. Homework is available to view in the app each night. It also allows families to inform the teacher of reasons for absence as well as any changes to address or contact details. We will also be using Aladdin Connect to arrange Parent-Teacher Meetings and send out report cards etc. Please ensure you have validated your mobile phone number to ensure you receive messages. Please contact us if you are not receiving messages.

Dance and Fitness with Lisa
Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class are taking part in Dance & Fitness with Lisa each Friday while the rest of the school attend swimming. It is great fun and the children are enjoying showing off their moves!

Boys Football Competition
Well done to the Scartaglen National School Boy's Football Team who participated in the Cumann na mBunscol competition recently. They played against Curranes and Kilmurry. The boys played brilliantly and narrowly lost in the final. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her coaching.

Junior Infant Class of 2019
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school!

PDF Versions of the christmas Magazines
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1st Class
2nd Class
3rd Class
4th Class
5th Class
6th Class
news from the classrooms
Junior Infants (Mrs. Doody):
Junior Infants are very busy after Christmas. We learned all about the Fire Station for Aistear. We also read the book Owl Babies. It was really good. We are really looking forward to getting trees through the Plant and Grow Programme. We can't wait to see our trees grow!
Senior Infants (Ms. O' Connor):
We have been learning about methods of transport in the past, looking at old trains, bikes, planes and cars. We did an experiment to see what material would make the best raincoat for teddy and were able to identify ones which are waterproof. We drew Mickey Mouse in art and our drawing skills are getting much better! We are really looking forward to moving into the first and second classroom soon and are looking for a good spot to put chubbles!
1st/2nd Class (Ms. McCarthy):
We have been closely monitoring the building work on our new classroom and it is really starting to take shape! We have been practising our handwriting and scissor cutting skills with the help of Mrs. O'Mahony. We've started to use Lego WeDo to construct a fan and a glowing snail and then we created a code to make them work. We learned about water in Geography and our Green Schools Committee were able to give us some top tips on conserving water. We also learned about China and the Chinese New Year. We worked as weather presenters in Irish by describing 'An Aimsir' in our weather forecast. We had fun in our Maths stations by doing some hands-on work with measures and place value.
3rd/4th Class (Mr. Johnson):
We have begun our football training with our new GAA coach, Thomas and we hope to improve over the next few weeks. We have also been playing dodgeball for PE. We learned how to play 'Oh Susannah' on the tin whistle and now we’re practising body percussion, using our bodies to make music. We are currently making piggy banks for Art. We used papier maché and we’ll paint them later this week. We have been learning all about 'an baile mór' for Gaeilge.
5th/6th Class (Mr. Moroney):
We have been very busy with our Junior Entrepreneur Project. We had a visit from local business man Joe Tangney to help us find out all about how a business works. We are also enjoying STEM on Thursdays, we made racing cars last week and placed sensors on the car to make it detect movement! 6th Class are also very busy preparing for their Confirmation.
News Archive
School year 2018/19
School Year 2017/18
School Year 2016/17
School Year 2015/16